This movie to be honest, had me crying when it started. I already knew what would happen in the movie so that didn't help when I started to watch it. The movie as a whole was really good i would give it...3 thumbs up. Let's start with the scenery, the movie took place in a very small town that was very close knit and conservative. Through out the movie the i found myself wanting too see more scenes in the actual town, after they got timothy. The creation of timothy was a very intense and weird thing and it was clear that the boy really changed them for the better, but i wold have like to see the more emotional aspects from Timothy. I felt as if he was too perfect but i know that is what the parents wanted but i would have liked to see some other times where his perfection is a disease to him and makes him do bad things. The acting in the movie was very good, there were man y great director choices and actor choices and I like man y of the close ups and person shots. The ending was not as climatic as i would have liked it i would have like to have seen for example i feel like the end scene with timothy could have been more intense because I found myself wanting something different to happen with like special effects and like this brilliant line form Timothy, the ending they had was good but with these small changes it would have been even better.